Restoring Lost or Damaged Teeth With Dental Implants in Queanbeyan

Revitalise Your Smile, Radiate Confidence!

Dentistry @ Karabar

Surgical treatments at Dentistry at Karabar encompass a range of advanced procedures aimed at addressing complex dental issues with precision and effectiveness. Our experienced team of oral surgeons and dental professionals are well-versed in various surgical treatments, including tooth removal, dental implants and wisdom teeth extraction. Our skilled surgeons will provide personalised care and guidance throughout the process.

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Our Services

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a remarkable solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring both the functionality and aesthetics of your smile. At Dentistry at Karabar, our skilled dental professionals specialise in dental implant treatments in Queanbeyan to provide durable and long-lasting results. 

Dental implants and crowns consist of titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone, serving as artificial tooth roots. These posts fuse with the surrounding bone, creating a strong and stable foundation for the replacement tooth or crown. 

Our dental experts take a personalised approach, carefully evaluating your oral health and designing a custom treatment plan. Dental implants offer numerous benefits, including improved chewing ability, enhanced speech, and a confident smile. At Dentistry at Karabar, we are dedicated to transforming smiles and restoring oral health through exceptional dental implant treatments that are tailored to meet your unique needs.

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Our Services


Dental extractions are sometimes necessary to address various dental issues and maintain oral health. At Dentistry at Karabar, our experienced dental professionals are skilled in performing tooth removals in Queanbeyan with utmost care and precision. 

Whether it's a severely decayed tooth, a fractured tooth beyond repair, or wisdom teeth causing complications, our team ensures a comfortable and efficient extraction process. We prioritise your comfort, utilising local anaesthesia and offering sedation options for patients with dental anxiety. 

Our dentists provide thorough pre-extraction assessments and post-operative instructions to promote proper healing and minimise discomfort. With our expertise and gentle approach, we strive to make dental extractions as smooth and painless as possible, ensuring the overall well-being of our patients.

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Our Services

Sleep Dentistry Procedures

Sleep dentistry procedures, also known as sedation dentistry, offer a comfortable and anxiety-free experience for patients who may feel nervous or apprehensive about dental treatments. At Dentistry at Karabar, we understand the importance of providing a relaxed environment to ensure optimal dental care for all our patients.

With sleep dentistry, we utilise various sedation techniques to help patients achieve a state of deep relaxation during their dental procedures. Depending on the individual's needs and the complexity of the treatment, we offer options such as oral sedation, inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide), or intravenous (IV) sedation.

These techniques help alleviate anxiety and discomfort, allowing our skilled dental professionals to perform procedures more efficiently and effectively. With sleep dentistry, patients can undergo treatments such as dental implants, extractions, or extensive restorative procedures with minimal stress and discomfort. 

At Dentistry at Karabar, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities, and we strive to create a calm and soothing environment through sleep dentistry techniques to ensure a positive dental experience for all our patients.

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